Routine Messages

The Anatomy of Routine Messages: How to Compose Effective Routine Messages

Of the many common responsibilities in the workplace, making varying, routine business requests ranks among the highest. Routine messages are those messages which focus on routine business matters and are conducted in every form of communication medium available. The goal of routine messages is to deliver well-written, organized, and specific communication as quickly as possible in an error-free and appropriately formatted manner. Understanding routine communication has the single greatest influence on an organization’s effectiveness (Shetcliffe, 2004); it deserves more time and effort upfront to convey the intended messages effectively.

The Most Common Forms of Routine Messages in Business Communication

Create a Routine Message: Begin the Process

How do you decide which method of communication is most appropriate for your message’s purpose? To answer this question, one must carefully consider the following (Seglin & Coleman, 2012, pg. 3-10):